We receive many requests from the community regarding access to rail corridor land, including service roads, for events and activities, as well as to licence rail property for community use.
Access to the corridor for community events and purposes
As part of our accreditation from the Office of Rail Safety, in accordance with the Rail Safety Act and our agreement with the State Government, we have specific legal obligations to ensure the safe and responsible operation of the rail network. This includes the safety and wellbeing of people accessing the rail corridor, as well as strictly controlling and monitoring that access.
Due to our obligations stated above and our commitment to the safety of our people, customers, contractors and communities, we cannot allow access to the rail corridor for community events or purposes, including hiking, four wheel driving, horse riding, cycling and a range of other activities.
Arc Infrastructure’s number one priority is safety, and allowing members of the public to access the rail corridor servicing an operational railway would be in direct conflict with fundamental principles of railway safety and our key public message; to stay away from the railway tracks.
This is a particularly important message to instil in the minds of the community, particularly our youth, and we have implemented a state-wide educational program for children and families around our rail network to promote the rail safety message.
Learn more about our rail safety education program
Licences within the rail corridor for community purposes
There are a number of buildings, structures and valuable pockets of land across the rail freight network. Arc Infrastructure understands that these are often of importance to the local community due to their historical significance, locality and aesthetic value.
Whilst Arc Infrastructure is unable to enter into a licence directly with community groups or individuals for use of a railway building, structure or land for non-rail related purposes, at times we are prepared to enter into such an agreement with a local government authority, who may then allow the property to be used for civic purposes by a community group.
Each arrangement is likely to be subject to a number of conditions, a modest annual fee and each proposal would be considered on a case by case basis.
If you would like to know more, contact us at ask@arcinfra.com.