togetherwe aresafe

network safeworking

network safeworking

Whilst Arc Infrastructure manages the rail network, associated infrastructure and the rail corridor, there are a number of companies who may be required to work on the railway.

To work on Arc Infrastructure’s network, you must hold a valid Track Access Permit (TAP). Anyone who will be within five metres of the railway line must hold a valid Arc Infrastructure Track Access Permit.

The Arc Infrastructure TAP provides evidence you have completed the appropriate level of training required for the activities you are undertaking in your role, as well as passing the appropriate level of the National Medical Assessment.

Below is some further information on obtaining a TAP. If you have a query, please email

How do I qualify for a TAP?

To qualify for a TAP you must complete training to the required qualification level, and a Health Assessment to the required category level.

Where can I go to undertake training for a TAP?

Arc Infrastructure has an in-house Training Centre providing appropriate levels of training required for a TAP.

Arc Infrastructure Training Centre
Corner Abernethy and Terminal Roads
(Opposite BP Truck Stop)
Kewdale WA 6105 
Phone: (08) 9212 2916

What do each of the Health Assessment categories mean?

Category 1 - High Level Safety Critical Worker

This is for a worker performing critical tasks on the rail system, whose action, inaction or collapse due to ill health may lead directly to a serious incident affecting the public or rail network.

Category 3 - Around the track Personnel operating in an uncontrolled environment

Those required to operate on or near the track, but without engineering or administrative controls to protect them from moving rolling stock, and whose actions, inactions or collapse due to ill health may endanger their safety or that of work colleagues.

Where can I get a Health Assessment and what do I need?

Please click here for a list of our Authorised Health Professionals, where you can undertake your medical.

For further information on the National Standard for Health Assessments of Rail Safety Workers, please refer to the National Transport Commission website.

How do I access the Arc Infrastructure Worksite Protection Plan template?

Network Rules and Procedures- download 

Each of the Network Safeworking Rules and Procedures can be downloaded by clicking the links below.

Underpinning Rules

General Rules

Work on Track Authorities

Rail Traffic Operation Rules

Safeworking Systems Rules

Interlocking & Infrastructure Rules

Procedures to Support Rules

Cover and index


Examples of Network Safeworking Forms (Not for use)

Network Safeworking Rules and Procedures - Approved Delegate List

Rule Series Rule Section Role Reference Representative
1000 Series: 1001 2.3 Managing the Rules and Procedures Delegate Head of Operations and Customer Management
1000 Series: 1001 2.4 Unusual Working Approved Operations Delegate Head of Operations and Customer Management
1000 Series: 1001 2.4 Unusual Working Approved Safety Delegate G&R Lead - Compliance and HSE
1000 Series: 1004 4.2 General Exemptions Approved Operations Delegate Head of Operations and Customer Management
1000 Series: 1004 7. Obtaining a TAP Arc Infrastructure Safety Delegate G&R Lead - Compliance and HSE
2000 Series: 2009
3. Responding Approved Operations Delegate Head of Operations and Customer Management
2000 Series: 2009 3. Responding Approved Infrastructure Delegate On call roster provided by Regional Leads
2000 Series: 2009 3.3 Declaring the CAN to be a Major Incident Approved Operations Delegate Head of Operations and Customer Management
2000 Series: 2009 5. Return to Normal Working (footnote) Infrastructure Delegate On call roster provided by Regional Leads
3000 Series: 3005 4.1 Protection Officer Arc Infrastructure Operations delegate Head of Operations and Customer Managment
3000 Series: 3019 3. Track Vehicle Approval Infrastructure Delegate Senior Rollingstock Interface & Technical Engineer and Principal Engineer Signalling
3000 Series: 3019 16. Stabling Track Vehicles Operations Delegate Head of Operations and Customer Management
4000 Series: 4013 5. Running Lines Approved Operations Delegate Head of Operations and Customer Management
4000 Series: 4013 6.1 Loading or unloading under power Arc Infrastructure's Operations Delegate Head of Operations and Customer Management
4000 Series: 4013 10.1 On Running Lines Approved Operations Delegate Head of Operations and Customer Management
5000 Series: 5027 8. Establishing a Non-Crossing Location Approved Operations Delegate Head of Operations and Customer Management
6000 Series: 6001 3.2 Network Controller Responsibilities Approved Operations Delegate Head of Operations and Customer Management
6000 Series: 6001 3.3 Authority for Movement to Continue Approved Operations Delegate Head of Operations and Customer Management
6000 Series: 6001 3.3.1 Authorising Movement to Continue beyond a Departure Signal Approved Operations Delegate Head of Operations & Customer Management
6000 Series: 6003 3.4 Secure Blocking Code override Approved Operations Delegate Head of Operations & Customer Management, Network Operations Specialist, or Network Operations Interface Principal
9000 Series: 9010 2. General Approved Operations Delegate Head of Operations and Customer Management
9000 Series: 9010 2. General Approved Infrastructure Delegate Head of Maintenance Delivery
9000 Series: 9016 2. General Approved Operations Delegate Head of Operations and Customer Management

How do I access a printed book of the Network Safeworking Rules and Procedures and hard copy Network Safeworking Forms?

You can arrange a printed book of the Network Safeworking Rules and Procedures by contacting:

Snap Belmont
2/101 Belmont Ave,
Phone: (08) 9479 1500

Safeworking Forms are also available for hard copy purchase. Arrange this by contacting:

ExBo Visual (formerly Expo Group)
Unit 4, 1 McDowell St
Phone: +61 8 9489 9800

Safety Directives

Arc Infrastructure issues Safety Directives as part of our rail safety management plan.

Use of Rule 2001 and 3013 in Avon Valley Prohibited

High Rail Vehicle Movements

Narrow Gauge Light Engine Movements

Network Safeworking Rules and Procedure Update

Safety Directive Network Safeworking Rules Procedures Updates December 2024.pdf

As a result of continuous improvement Arc Infrastructure will release the following updated Rules and Procedures:
Rule 1004 Track Access Accreditation, Rule 2007 Network Communications, Rule 4017 Overdue Occupancies, Work on Track (Issue) and Work on Track (Receipt) Forms (date effective 01 01 2025).
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