Arc Infrastructure held a Metro Family Day on 21 April at the Kenwick Rail Freight Facility.
The event was well attended and saw many people coming together to enjoy the family atmosphere and activities.
Meg and Walter McGuire from Go Cultural Aboriginal Tours & Experiences were in attendance, with Walter delivering a Welcome to Country that touched upon family, community and togetherness and incorporated song, language and music in telling the first story of Aboriginal people.
Safety and wellbeing was also a focus of the event with Arc’s Governance and Risk team promoting internal initiatives and Track Splat! mascot Jack raising awareness of our rail safety education game.
A Lifeline WA representative provided a quick recap on the leading suicide prevention charity and hinted at the exciting things we have in the pipeline with our Principal Partner.
There was a wide range of activities on offer, including a bouncy castle, coffee and ice cream vans, stalls featuring Lifeline WA, Foodbank WA, Youth Focus, Westpac, WA Railways Institute (WARI), Gallagher and SG Fleet, face painting, rail machinery, cutting and welding demonstrations, a sausage sizzle and more.
Visitors were especially excited to be able to ride Arc’s Asset Monitoring Vehicle (AMV), as the heavy road rail vehicle demonstrated bi-directional travel with its dual cab operation.
Children were provided with PPE which helped to create a sense of family and togetherness.
Event organiser and Human Resources Specialist Tania O’Meara said the day was full of fun.
“The events were designed so everyone could participate and be a part of the fun together, and demonstrate how much we value families here at Arc. It provides us with an opportunity show our loved ones what we do every day,” Ms O'Meara said.
Chief Executive Officer Murray Cook thanked everyone involved in the event.
“Thank you and congratulations to everyone who was involved in organising the Family Day held recently at our Kenwick depot,” Mr Cook said.
“The event was really well attended and it was great to see representation from our community partners Lifeline WA, Youth Focus, Foodbank WA, and to have Walter and Meg McGuire from Go Cultural Tours in attendance to deliver a Welcome to Country.”
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