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Annual safety awareness campaign broadened


NEWS UPDATE 04.11.2024

Annual safety awareness campaign broadened

Signal Passed At Danger and Proceed Authority Exceedance (SPAD/PAE) Week 2024

Annual safety awareness campaign broadened  teaser

Arc Infrastructure is partnering once again with our above-rail operators and below-rail counterparts to promote SPAD/PAE Awareness Week which runs from 4–10 November 2024.

SPAD is a Signal Passed At Danger and a PAE is a Proceed Authority Exceedance.

In earlier years, the awareness week focussed only on SPADs, but this year the campaign has been expanded to PAEs as well. By including all authority exceedances on the rail network, such as written authorities when a train is not in signalled territory, ensures everyone on the network remains safe. From 2025, the campaign will be known as ‘PAE Awareness Week’.

With its broadened scope, this year’s SPAD/PAE Awareness Week aims to raise awareness around the three P’s when using the network:

  • PLAN your journey.
  • PREPARE and avoid distractions.
  • PERFORM critical tasks only.

The campaign is designed to highlight the key ‘Plan, Prepare and Perform’ behaviours and aims to remind above-rail operators and rail traffic crew of the factors they can control to avoid a PAE, and to keep these behaviours in mind throughout the year.

Arc Infrastructure Head of Operations & Customer Management Rod Smith said the aim of broadening the messaging of the campaign is to keep everyone safe on the network.

"PAE Awareness Week and previous SPAD Awareness Weeks have been about reinforcing messages of vigilance and care across the network, whether you’re in signalled or non-signalled territory,” Rod said.

“Complacency and carelessness of all PAEs can end in a dangerous and potentially devastating outcome.

“Encouraging everyone who uses the network to never assume and remain vigilant will help ensure the network is as safe as possible and most importantly, make sure everyone gets home safely.”

Arc thanks the above-rail and below-rail operators for their continued support of the initiative, which also includes bi-monthly working groups with all operators on the network. We are dedicated to upskilling our people and continuing to work with rail operators and regulators to ensure the safety of rail traffic crew and the network.

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