Earlier this year members of Arc Infrastructure’s Governance and Risk Environmental team travelled to Moora to work with Rick Dawson from Australian Black Cockatoo Specialists (ABCS).
They assisted with the installation of 15 artificial nesting hollows called ‘cockatubes’.
The “cockatubes” were installed within a section of Arc’s corridor in suitable mature salmon gum trees as a collaborative exercise with Doral Mineral Sands forming part of their native vegetation offset program for their Yalyalup project operations in the Southwest.
Arc was one of the integral organisations involved on this project to provide a new scope of opportunity for the increase of breeding habitat for endangered Carnaby’s Black Cockatoos. The installation of artificial hollows mitigates the impacts to potential breeding sites due to clearing.
The Cockatubes have been scientifically designed and developed over many years by Landcare Serpentine-Jarrahdale specifically for WA’s black cockatoos.. Their specific dimensions have been found to be the most successful in terms of nesting and fledging rates and replicates those that would be found in a hollow an approximately 250-year-old tree.
Arc’s Environmental Support Officer Ngaire Mulholland said the team is looking forward to continuing work with Mr Dawson and his team to monitor the nesting boxes and potentially conduct similar projects in the future.
Monitoring of the hollows will take place in October and December each year. Arc’s Environmental team will assist the ABCS to inspect the hollows using a ‘camera pole’ to see if they are in use. If nesting is observed, Mr Dawson will access the nests using a 10m ladder to weigh, measure, leg band and take DNA from the nestlings for research purposes.
Arc’s Ecologist Sharon Hynes said she was looking forward to the survey process.
“We were very pleased to have been able to support and collaborate with Doral and their other partners to successfully install these hollows. We hope to see them in use later this year, and hopefully making a difference to this federally protected species,” Ms Hynes said.
Governance & Risk Lead – Environment Specialist Nicolene Gault said the relationships built and knowledge gathered during this project would assist Arc in undertaking our own key works.
“I see this as a very positive relationship with Rick’s company ABCS and engagement to assist Arc into the future for when our team will no doubt have to identify offset opportunities for our own projects and activities,” Ms Gault said.
You can purchase your own hollow directly from Landcare Serpentine Jarrahdale or make donations to them via their website.

(Image credit: Rick Dawson)
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