Arc Infrastructure’s Midwest team was proud to make a donation to the Mingenew Irwin Group last month, helping to fund a new trials boom spray.
The $2622 donation towards the trials boom spray will allow the Mingenew Irwin Group to trial chemical herbicides on small plots of land for research and development purposes. They will monitor the small plots after applying the herbicides to determine the effectiveness of the spray and what time of the year is best for application.
The Mingenew Irwin Group is a self-funded group that aims to deliver independent, locally driven research and development to their members and the broader Midwest agricultural community.
Arc Infrastructure Acting Regional Lead Midwest Trevor Blackmore said he was pleased to partner with a local community organisation to achieve a meaningful outcome.
“Arc would like to continue to build on the good relationship we have with local farmers in the Midwest. We are pleased to make this donation to the Mingenew Irwin Group to determine the best application process for our region and to support our local community,” Trevor said.
Arc Infrastructure will commence upgrades to the Midland Railway (MR) line between Mingenew and Dongara on 22 September, installing 18,000 new railway sleepers. The works will continue through to early 2021 and will enhance this part of the network.
Mingenew Irwin Group CEO Kathryn Fleay said Arc’s support would help benefit local grain producers.
“The donation of funds to purchase a new trials boom for the Mingenew Irwin Group is greatly appreciated, and shows Arc Infrastructure’s support to the grain industry. As a producer of grain that utilises the rail system, the imminent work on the Mingenew Dongara line will have flow-on benefits to all producers whose grain travels over this line,” Kathryn said.
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