Aimed at children from 4-11 years, the school is modelled on Perth’s streets, including model heritage buildings, a working rail platform, pedestrian and level crossings, and traffic lights and intersections.
The innovative space provides a realistic urban environment where children can practice road, rail and public transport safety skills. It is open for school excursions and for individual bookings during the school holidays.
The Constable Care Foundation (CCF) offers augmented reality (AR) safety education through the use of their Arility app. The free app is available on
Google Play and on the
Apple App store with the innovative technology allowing students to identify safer choices in realistic road and transport scenarios.
There are eight AR iPad experiences focusing on rail, road, bus, power and school zone safety at the Constable Care Safety School to facilitate safe pedestrian risk exploration, interaction and learning.
“The Constable Care Safety School helps educate young people on how to stay safe around WA’s rail network by using a best-practise early intervention approach,” Constable Care Foundation CEO David Gribble said.
“The augmented reality component is especially exciting as it allows the students to practice facing hazards and responding in a real-life environment, without ever being in danger. This gaming-style approach is very engaging for children and helps them retain these life-saving lessons.”
Arc Infrastructure CEO Murray Cook praised the Constable Care Foundation for their innovative delivery of rail safety messaging.
“We are proud of our enduring and collaborative relationship with the Constable Care Foundation,” Mr Cook said.
“The CCF continue to find unique, engaging and interactive ways to educate children around safety and Arc Infrastructure is looking forward to helping them keep our youth safe through creative learning experiences.”
During Rail Safety Week, Arc reminds the community of the key points to remember when interacting with the rail freight network: