Arc Infrastructure welcomes the announcement from the State Government allocating $200m of Federal and State funding towards the WA Agricultural Supply Chain Improvement (ASCI) program, which will help achieve the common goal of moving more grain on rail.
Transport Minister the Hon. Rita Saffioti MLA made the ASCI Package 1 announcement at CBH’s Brookton site today, including new rail siding upgrades, an upgrade to the Midland Railway and investment into the southern Wheatbelt region.
The $60 million investment in the Midland Railway will see the line upgraded from 16 Tonne Axle Loading (TAL) to 19 TAL between Carnamah and Mingenew.
Arc has committed to self-deliver the Midland Railway upgrade works and will support CBH with the delivery of the rail sidings. The works will be delivered by our regional teams, which will ensure efficient and cost-effective project delivery.
Arc Infrastructure CEO Murray Cook said the Government’s ASCI funding would complement Arc’s ongoing investment in the grain rail network.
“Arc Infrastructure is well progressed through a $100m+ investment program in the grain network, with a specific focus on the Midland Railway and Miling Lines. This Government funding will increase Tonne Axle Load capacity to help us move more grain freight from trucks to trains, generate freight cost savings for growers, and build an improved sustainable network for the future.
“We look forward to continuing our work with CBH and Government on these ASCI Package 1 projects to develop a freight railway that supports the ongoing international competitiveness of WA grain growers, and deliver long-term benefits to the economy and State,” Mr Cook said.
Arc Infrastructure and CBH have worked collaboratively with the State Government to develop business cases seeking investment in priority rail projects identified in the
Revitalising Agricultural Region Freight (RARF) Strategy. All proposals went through a rigorous assessment process before being recommended to State and Federal Governments, as per the Infrastructure Australia process for major infrastructure project proposals.
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