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Canna rail repairs completed in time for harvest


NEWS UPDATE 14.11.2024

Canna rail repairs completed in time for harvest

Critical repairs in the Midwest have been completed in time for grain harvest.

Canna rail repairs completed in time for harvest teaser

Arc Infrastructure has completed track repairs to the freight rail network in Canna in time for what is expected to be a bumper grain harvest in the Midwest. The repairs were required after a loaded iron ore train derailed and caused significant track damage in July.

At the time of the derailment, Arc Infrastructure’s track teams worked to complete critical repairs, however two turnouts were damaged beyond repair and had to be ‘straight railed’ through to get the track reopened as early as possible, which closed off access to the Canna siding.

Restoring access to the Canna siding has been a high priority for both CBH Group and Arc Infrastructure over the past few months and both parties have worked together to facilitate repairs in time for harvest.

CBH was pleased to provide the turnouts to expedite the repairs to enable the Canna site to access rail during harvest.

General Manager Works Delivery Dan Ellis said it was a positive result achieved through collaboration.

“We’re really pleased to have worked with CBH to speed up repairs to the turnouts and ensure the Canna siding could reopen in time for the grain harvest. The priority was to restore access to the siding by the end of October and through collaboration we have been able to achieve that,” Dan said.

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