Brookfield Rail, the manager of WA’s 5,500km freight rail network, is joining the international rail industry, encouraging pedestrians and motorists to take extra care on level crossings as part of International Level Crossing Awareness Day Friday 10 June.
In Australia alone, there are approximately 130 pedestrian level crossing incidents causing death or serious injury every year and an additional 20 collisions with vehicles.
Brookfield Rail Manager Health, Safety and Environment Adam Sidebottom said Brookfield Rail are appealing to all – motorists, cyclists and pedestrians – to always remain alert around the rail network.
“We work hard to minimise the risks associated with the railway, however members of the community have a significant part to play in ensuring their own safety,” said Mr Sidebottom.
“On Brookfield Rail’s network alone, we see around 70 incidents at level crossings each year, most of which involve pedestrians and motorists not paying attention.
“These incidents include colliding with, or nearly colliding with trains, as well as vehicles running through stop signs or lights at level crossings or running into boom gate barriers.
“Remember, waiting just a couple of minutes for a train to pass, or taking extra caution around the railway tracks, could save your life. It only takes a second of inattention or rushing to reach your destination for tragedy to strike
“At Brookfield Rail our largest priority has always been safety. Safety of our people and safety in the communities in which we operate.
“We all have a role to play in ensuring the safety around the railway tracks. We would hate to see an act of carelessness turn into something tragic.”
International Level Crossing Awareness Day is an initiative that brings global attention to level crossing safety, which continues to be one of the rail industry’s major safety concerns. For more information, please visit
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Hannah Jenkins
Corporate Affairs Advisor
Phone: 0439 277 980
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