The MR is the link to the northern section of Arc’s network, connecting the Eastern Goldfields Railway (EGR) line to Geraldton. The MR line is used exclusively to transport WA grain to the ports of Geraldton and Kwinana.
Stage 2 works took place throughout 2021, including the replacement of 36,400 timber sleepers with heavy duty steel sleepers, approximately 37,000 tonnes of ballast top-up, resleepering of 15 non-bitumen sealed level crossings with low profile concrete sleepers, and resurfacing of 134km of track.
The MR major upgrade works complement the
State government’s commitment to contribute to funding the four priority rail projects that CBH and Arc have been working on since 2019 to achieve the common goal of getting more grain on rail in regional Western Australia.
Stage 3 of the MR resleepering project is now underway.