Arc Infrastructure is partnering with the Royal Flying Doctor Service WA (RFDS WA), by contributing to the purchase of vital aero medical equipment for their fleet through a $30,000 donation.
Rebecca Tomkinson, CEO for the RFDS WA, said updating and replacing aero medical equipment is critical to the service so Arc Infrastructure’s generous support is greatly appreciated.
“All of our aero medical equipment must pass stringent portability and durability tests before they can be used on board one of our aircraft and Arc Infrastructure’s donation will help us purchase perfusor space pumps for a dozen of our fleet,” Ms Tomkinson explained.
Perfusor space pumps are small, lightweight units used to deliver precise measures of pain relief and in-flight medication to patients, and can be used as a complex infusion system where the patient may need various infusions at once.
Arc Infrastructure’s incoming CEO, Murray Cook, said he was delighted Arc could support the vital work of the RFDS WA, who rely heavily on corporate and community donations to continue their services.
“As an organisation whose employees are spread across regional Western Australia, we understand how essential the RFDS WA services are to those living in these areas of our state,” Mr Cook said.
The RFDS WA provides extensive lifesaving aero-medical evacuations and transfers, and offer a range of primary health care services to those who live, work and travel across Western Australia.
The service covers over 2.5 million square kilometres, with five operating facilities located at Broome, Kalgoorlie, Jandakot, Meekatharra and Port Hedland.
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