Arc Infrastructure requires anyone who is working on or near the railway to abide by a set of standards called the "Network Safeworking Rules and Procedures" (the Rules).
Train drivers, contractors and all Arc people working on or accessing the rail corridor need to have accreditation proving that they understand these Rules and can work on the rail network safely.
Arc’s Head of Operations, Rod Smith explains why the changes are necessary and how these proposed changes will support Arc’s operational requirements for the future.
“We are currently working on changes to the Network Rules and Procedures to make them simpler and safer for people working on the State's rail freight network,” he said.
“Arc is also working on a major upgrade to our train control system which will be introduced next year. These proposed changes set the business up for the new Enhanced Network Control Program and will avoid another Rules change later,” Rod said.
Stakeholders are invited to provide any feedback on the proposed changes to A summary of proposed changes can be found here and the full set of updated Rules in draft form is available here.
“It’s important for people to ask any questions or provide any feedback to our email address. We will be collating these comments and reviewing before publishing a final updated Rules Book in the coming months,” he explained.
There is likely to be some training requirements to ensure everyone understands the changes in the Rules. This information will be communicated to stakeholders in early October.
It’s planned for the Rules change to ‘go live’ in early 2020.
Any other questions? Please email
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