The importance of suicide prevention and the power of mental health check ins has been underlined as part of R U OK? Day. It’s a key part of Arc’s unique mental health awareness workshop series that travelled across our network earlier this year.
As part of our efforts to address mental health and being fit for work, we engaged with renowned mental health advocate Storn Petterson to travel across our network to visit regional teams to break down the stigma of mental health issues.
Storn Petterson spent time with our regional teams to talk about suicide awareness and depression, and the importance of discussing mental health.
With Australia’s suicide rate the highest it’s been in 10 years, Storn’s visits were incredibly important to connect with team mates from all walks of life and reaffirm that help for themselves, friends and loved ones is available.
Each year it is estimated that more than 3,000 people commit suicide in Australia – that’s an average of eight people a day – and a figure that Storn is committed to combatting.
Our teams based in Kewdale, Kalgoorlie, Geraldton, Narrogin and throughout the South West were offered the opportunity to discuss mental health and asked to share the message about the importance of reaching out.
Goldfields and Esperance Regional Lead Jonathan Slattery said that his local team really enjoyed getting together to hear from Storn.
“It’s truly humbling to hear how many people are effected by mental illness - talking about it and getting the message out there is so important. Our regional teams can often be working in remote locations and may feel like they aren’t in a positon to seek help, so Storn’s message and advice was really valuable for our teams to hear,” said Mr Slattery.
In recognition of Storn’s valuable contribution to this important cause, Arc Infrastructure donated $5,000 to Storn’s foundation, dedicated to combatting mental illness.
Earlier this year we celebrated Rail R U OK? Day, an industry-wide day initiated by TrackSAFE Foundation to engage with rail staff in conversations about mental health.
Rail R U OK? Day aims to tackle the unique issues that rail workers may face, and address the stigma that often surrounds mental trauma. Our teams took part in mindfulness and meditation sessions as well as team building barbecues.
Media Contact:
Andrew Bennett
Corporate Affairs Advisor
Phone: 0459 869 624
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