Arc Infrastructure, Western Australia’s leading transport infrastructure manager, is reminding the community about working together to encourage safe behaviours around railway lines as part of Rail Safety Week.
In the last 12 months, 175 incidents have been reported on Arc Infrastructure’s network across Western Australia for trespass, vandalism, and level crossing occurrences, including near misses.
Arc Infrastructure’s Rail Safety Specialist, Sudha Niles said most of these incidents were avoidable, if people show caution, pay attention and recognise the dangers of being around the railway.
“We are committed to and work hard to minimise the risks associated with the railway, however members of the community have a significant part to play in ensuring their own safety,” Mr Niles said.
“Together, we can improve the safety of our railway and eliminate incidents.”
Rail Safety Week, held this year from 13 through to 19 August, is a terrific opportunity to remind our communities to remain aware of their surroundings and take care when they are around the railway.
A train on the network can weigh more than 14,000 tonnes and may be travelling at speeds up to 130km per hour. Due to train size, length and weight, it can take a train up to 2km to stop. That’s almost the equivalent of 11 football fields.
Head of Maintenance Delivery, Michael Bourke noted that Arc’s commitment to the safety of the company’s people, customers, contractors and communities remains as strong as ever.
“Arc’s commitment to safety around the rail is our first priority with our communities. Rail Safety Week gives us the opportunity to reinforce this, and to make sure that everyone takes extra care around the railway tracks, as this could save your life,” he said.
The Rail Safety Week Campaign runs from Monday 13 August through to Sunday 19 August 2018 across Australia and New Zealand. For more information, visit
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Chantelle Schapers
Communications Advisor
Phone: 0447334962
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