Arc Infrastructure is proud to take part in Rail Safety Week, which aims to improve community awareness and education around railway level crossing and track safety.
Run by the TrackSAFE Foundation, 2020 marks the 15th consecutive Rail Safety Week, which sees the industry unite to share the message around rail safety.
As the manager of Western Australia’s critical freight rail network, Arc recorded 147 incidents of trespass, vandalism and level crossing occurrences, including near misses, over the past 12 months.
A train on the network can weigh more than 14,000 tonnes and may be travelling at speeds up to 130km per hour. Due to train size, length and weight, it can take a train up to 2km to stop. That’s almost the equivalent of 11 football fields.
During Rail Safety Week, Arc reminds the community of the key points around interacting with the rail freight network:
Multiple freight trains can come at any time and from either direction; always cross tracks at a designated pedestrian level crossing.
Whether you’re a motorist, truck driver, cyclist or pedestrian, always STOP, LOOK, LISTEN and THINK before crossing at a level crossing. Check it is safe to cross.
Always ensure there is enough space for your vehicle on the other side of a level crossing before making the decision to cross.
Trains can’t swerve and take a long time to stop. Even at low speeds it can take a freight train several hundred metres before arriving to a complete stop. Don’t try to beat a train; ensure there is enough time for you to safely cross tracks.
Arc is strongly committed to rail safety education all year round, and is proud to be a Foundation Partner of the
Constable Care Safety School, WA’s first experiential road and transport safety centre.
Aimed at children from 4-11 years, the school is modelled on Perth’s streets, including model heritage buildings, a working rail platform, pedestrian and level crossings, and traffic lights and intersections.
The innovative space provides a realistic urban environment where children can practice road, rail and public transport safety skills. It is open for school excursions and for individual bookings during the school holidays.
We also have an innovative rail safety game,
Track Splat! designed to engage young people in rail safety in a fun and interactive way.
The game communicates and reinforces key rail safety messages, showing consequences of correct and incorrect behaviour, as children help Jack, Scout and Albie find the safest route to cross the train tracks and avoid other hazards.
Please visit the
TrackSAFE website for further information and resources.
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