Over the next month Arc Infrastructure will be undertaking essential works on its South West Mainline railway near Burekup, adjacent to the South West Highway.
The works will include the replacement of two rail bridge structures located between Coalfields Highway and Russel Road. These replacements have been scheduled to meet the expected increase in customer train loadings and to relieve temporary speed restrictions on the line. Other track maintenance and works on nearby level crossings will also be conducted.
Arc’s project manager Nathan Byrne has spent time door knocking the region to inform near-by residents of the upcoming works. “We really appreciate the patience and understanding that we receive from local communities during these types of projects,” he said.
“Pre-works have commenced on site however the main bridge works will be achieved during a
mainline shut down scheduled between Sunday 24 February and Friday 1 March.”
“It is during this shut down time that the bridges will be removed and replaced. To reduce the impact and disruptions on residents, the State’s freight network and on our customers’ ability to meet shipping schedules, we will work 24 hours a day during those days to get the works done as quickly as possible,” he explained.
“It’s during this mainline shutdown that locals may hear some night works being conducted. All other works will take place in day time hours,” he said.
“Locals should also be aware that on reopening of the line, trains may eventually be travelling at faster speeds and should exercise extra vigilance around the rail line,” he said.
Arc has worked closely with appropriate authorities to ensure all necessary approvals and notifications have been obtained, and all practical efforts will be made in order to minimise disturbance to surrounding residents
and the wider community.
Other projects will also be conducted over the same period to make the most of the mainline shutdown. There will be works conducted at level crossings on Russel Road, South West Highway and Heppingstone Road which will mean some disruptions to road traffic. Road management and detours will be in place. Arc asks road users to take care around the area and thank everyone for their patience.
All works are expected to be completed
by Friday 15 March 2019.
Media Contact
Claire Walker
Head of Stakeholder Engagement
Phone: 0447 391 261
Email: claire.walker@arcinfra.com
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